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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check the submission for compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the standards will be returned to the authors.
  • Full completion of the metadata requested on the article's online submission page, including all authors (author and co-authors)
  • The contribution must be original, in Portuguese or English, and must not be evaluated for publication by another journal
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format
  • The authors consulted are duly cited and the URLs and/or DOIs for the references have been provided Figures and tables are inserted in the text (they should not be at the end of the document in the form of annexes/appendices)
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors and the HRJ Template
  • The manuscript's authorship identification was removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, ensuring Blind Peer Review. Insertion of the Orcid registration of the author and co-author, when submitting the text. Registration is free and can be done on the website:
  • Respect ethical standards for research involving human beings in accordance with current regulations.
  • Insertion of the NUMBER OF THE CONSUBSTANTIATED APPROVAL OPINION, in addition to the CAAE number.
  • ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) criteria:


  • The authors must have contributed significantly to the conception, conduct or analysis of the study, as well as to the writing of the manuscript.
  • The specific contributions of each author must be described. For example, one author may have collected data, another may have performed statistical analyses, while another contributed to writing the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest:

  • Authors must provide an explicit declaration of conflicts of interest.
  • Conflicts of interest include financial interests, personal relationships, institutional affiliations or any other factor that may influence the objectivity of the work.
  • Sources of funding for the study must also be disclosed.                                                                                    Research Ethics:
  • Authors must ensure that their research has been conducted in accordance with ethical principles and complies with national and international guidelines.
  • If the study involves humans or animals, it is necessary to declare that the study has been approved by a research ethics committee.                                                                                                                                                Copyright and Consent:
  • Authors must ensure that the work is original and has not been published elsewhere.
  • When applicable, authors must obtain informed consent from research participants and ensure that identifiable information is not disclosed without permission.
Retraction and Corrections:
  • Authors should be aware that published work may be retracted or corrected if significant errors are identified.
  • Authors are responsible for cooperating with editors in cases of necessary corrections or retractions.

Compliance with Journal Standards:
  • Authors must follow journal-specific guidelines for formatting, style, and references.
GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS (Revised and updated on 05/15/2024)

a) Instructions to authors

1. HRJ Magazine publishes original articles that are not being evaluated by other magazines.

2. Articles already presented at events (congresses, conferences, seminars, workshops, panels, etc.) and not yet published, including in Annals, may be considered. 

3. The article must reference relevant scientific content and be linked to one of the journal's thematic lines: Health, Education and Interdisciplinary.

4. When submitting the manuscript, authors must also send as a Supplementary Document a file called - Declarations related to authorship - scanned and duly signed by all authors of the work.

5. All authors must be registered at
6. Authors must fill in and inform all metadata on the journal platform, such as training, education, institution, contacts, etc.

7. Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively through the Journal's electronic system.

8. The text sent for peer review must not contain the name(s) of the author(s). If one of the authors of the article is cited in the text, their name must be replaced by the expression "AUTHOR" and the year by the expression "YEAR". Bibliographic references follow the same procedure, replacing the reference with the expression: "AUTHOR (YEAR). TITLE".

9. The identification of the authors must only appear in the final version of the selected works, together with the institutional affiliation of the authors and Orcid.

10. The concepts and statements contained in the works are the sole responsibility of the author(s).
11. Each author may publish only one manuscript per volume, regardless of the position of author or co-author and each work may have up to 6 authors. Changes in authorship will not be permitted throughout the editorial process.

12. The funding or research funding agency must be mentioned in the acknowledgments section, before the references, when applicable.

13. The contribution of each author must be declared, in accordance with the Contributor Roles Taxonomy - CRediT, in order to specify the roles played by collaborators in academic scientific production.

These contributions must be mentioned in the Supplementary document - Declarations related to authorship.

14. All research involving human beings must be accompanied by approval from the Ethics Committee. The registration number must be mentioned in the document ‘Declarations related to authorship’ and also in the submitted manuscript, constituting the last paragraph of the Methodology section. If the research has not been appreciated and approved by the CEP, the research must be in accordance with the ethical parameters adopted by the HRJ magazine, which take into account
takes into account the regulations of the National Research Ethics Commission, based on Resolution 466/12, Resolution 510/2016 and the principles contained in the Codes of Ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In this case, authors must include a section on research ethics in the manuscript, right after the Methodology Section.

IMPORTANT: Every article that has undergone ethical assessment must contain in the text the NUMBER OF THE CONSUBSTANTIATED APPROVAL OPINION, in addition to the CAAE number.

b) Organization and Formatting of Work

Authors must format the work according to the electronic template available at Template HRJ which is already configured according to the following specifications:

1. Originals must be in doc format.

2. The body of the text must be formatted in Times New Roman 12, in A4 format, justified, 0pt before, 0pt after, with double spacing between lines, top, left, bottom and right margins 2.5 cm, with an indent of 1 .25 cm at the beginning of each paragraph. Works must be submitted exclusively via the journal's electronic system in accordance with the template, must have a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 20 pages and the final file size must be up to 2MB

3. Articles must be organized into: Title, Summary/Keywords (and their respective Abstract/Keywords), introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments (if necessary) and references

4. Right after the title of the work, separated by a space, insert the names of the authors, aligned to the right, Times New Roman 10, in bold. Names must be complete and affiliations, ORCID and email must be provided below the first page

5. Titles and subtitles must contain a maximum of 20 words, including articles, prepositions, conjunctions, etc.; must be concise and presented respectively in the language adopted for presenting the article, in Portuguese and English

6. The Summary must contain between 100 and 250 words, written in a single paragraph, without indentation, Times New Roman 12, justified, with single line spacing. It must highlight the objective, method, results and conclusions of the work. The summary text must be written in third person and be free from direct or indirect quotations, symbols, formulas, etc., which are not absolutely necessary

7.As palavras-chave dos artigos em português (até cinco palavras que representam o conteúdo do artigo) deverão ser escolhidas no vocabulário controlado: DeCS/MeSH, através do link:

8. Deve ser seguido pelo título do manuscrito em inglês, em Times New Roman 12, centralizado. Seguido pelo Abstract e Keywords, em Times New Roman 12, justificado, com espaçamento entre linhas simples.

9. Para as keywords, pesquisar

10. As seções não são numeradas. Devem receber título apropriado, em Times New Roman 12, negrito.

11. Palavras estrangeiras devem ser grafadas em itálico, incluindo et al.

12. As ilustrações (figuras, quadros, etc.) e tabelas devem ser identificadas na parte superior e a indicação da fonte deve ser feita na parte inferior. As ilustrações (figuras, quadros, etc.) e tabelas devem ser identificadas na parte superior e a indicação da fonte deve ser feita na parte inferior. Figuras, tabelas, quadros e gráficos devem incluir a respectiva legenda. Todas as ilustrações devem ser enviadas em seus arquivos originais (.jpeg, .png, .tiff) inseridos no interior do próprio texto, com resolução mínima de 300 dpi.

13. Toda fonte deve ser citada, mesmo que seja produção do(s) próprio(s) autor(es).

14. As referências devem apresentar apenas as obras e autores que foram citados no texto conforme as normas de Vancouver, em fonte Times New Roman 12, alinhadas à esquerda, com espaço entre linhas duplo e um “enter” separando cada referência. Não utilizar travessão, deve-se repetir o nome do autor.

Peer Review Process

Manuscript submission: The author submits the manuscript through the journal's online submission system. At this stage, authors must generally provide information about authorship, declarations of conflicts of interest and agree to the journal's policies.

Initial screening by the editor: The journal's editor-in-chief or associate editor performs an initial screening of the manuscript to assess whether it complies with the journal's guidelines, whether the topic is relevant and whether the content is within the scope of the journal.

Peer Review: Once the manuscript is deemed suitable for review, it is forwarded for peer review. The number of reviewers may vary, generally there are two or more experts in the article's field of study.

Blind peer review: In blind peer review, reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors and vice versa. This is done to ensure an impartial assessment of the content of the manuscript.
Reviewers' assessment: Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on its scientific quality, originality, methodology, data analysis, relevance, clarity and contribution to the field of study. They may suggest modifications, ask additional questions, or recommend acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.

Editorial decision: Based on reviewers' assessments, the editor-in-chief or associate editor makes an editorial decision. Possible decisions include:

Acceptance: The manuscript is accepted for publication without the need for significant modifications.
Review with modifications: The manuscript may be accepted, but on condition that the authors make changes suggested by the reviewers.
Major Revision: The manuscript has potential but requires modifications and/or additional review before being considered for publication.
Rejection: The manuscript does not meet the journal's criteria and is not accepted for publication.

Communication with authors: Authors receive the results of the evaluation by email and, in case of necessary revisions, are asked to send the revised version of the manuscript.

Publication: After review and final modifications, the manuscript is accepted for publication and may be included in a future edition of the journal.
It is important to highlight that the peer review process can take some time, ranging from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the research, the number of reviewers involved and the efficiency of the journal's editorial process. The average time between submission and final decision regarding publication is 6 months and the average time between the dates of submission and publication of the manuscript is 12 months (on average 52 weeks).

Peer review is a fundamental aspect of the scientific publishing process, as it guarantees the quality and reliability of published articles, helping to maintain the integrity and advancement of academic research.

When articles are published they receive a DOI - Digital Object Identifier.

The journal also declares itself open to the participation of evaluators outside the journal's publishing institution.

Article structure

All articles must include the following elements:
1. Title: Informative, clear and should not contain more than 20 words. It must be presented in Portuguese and English.

2. Summary: Basic information of the article, justification of the article and its objectives, methodology used, most significant results and most relevant conclusions, containing a maximum of 250 words. It must be presented in Portuguese and English.

3. Keywords: Enter up to five keywords that must be included in Portuguese and English. To select these keywords, DeCS/MeSH must be used

4. Introduction: Present the contextualization, justification and objective of the article's content, based on an updated bibliographic review on the subject (State of the Art).

5. Methodology: It must describe the development of the research, the methodological approach, the sample, the phases of the research, the place where it was developed, the instruments used for data collection and the data analysis techniques used (quantitative or qualitative ).

6. Results and Discussion: Must present information based on the analysis of the evidence found. Tables, graphs or figures must be mentioned in the text and must present the most significant results.
7. Conclusions: This is the final part of the article, in which the considerations corresponding to the objectives and/or hypotheses are presented. The research problem must be revisited so that it can be answered and the main results must be summarized. The most important discussions must be highlighted, bringing the contributions of the study to the area of ​​Teaching, in order to expand the knowledge already produced. Inform the limitations of your research and possible suggestions for future studies.

8. Acknowledgments: Insert this section if necessary. For manuscripts that received funding or support from agencies/institutions, they must be mentioned.

9. References: References must only present works and authors that were cited in the text, in accordance with Vancouver standards, in Times New Roman 12 font, aligned to the left, with double space between lines and an “enter” separating each reference. Don't forget that references need to be inserted in this way into the journal's system, during article submission. It is recommended to use an updated theoretical framework, at least 50% of the references must be from the last 5 years.

10. HRJ requests that research data be cited and referenced. When citing research data in articles, it is essential to provide adequate information so that readers can locate and verify the data, following the guide below:

Author(s) of the dataset. Dataset title [file format]. Repository name. Dataset URL. Access date.

Example: Smith J. Climate research data [CSV file]. Climate Data Repository. Accessed on July 1, 2023.
Data set obtained from a dissertation or thesis:

Author(s) of the dataset. Title of dataset [dissertation/thesis]. Name of the institution; Year.

Example: Brown L. Online learning research data [thesis]. XYZ University; 2020.

Dataset obtained from a conference presentation:

Author(s) of the dataset. Dataset title. Presented at: Conference name; Conference location; Conference date.

Example: Davis R. Artificial intelligence research data. Presented at: International AI Conference; San Francisco, CA; March 10-12, 2022.




PROSPERO: International Prospective Registry of Systematic Reviews is an initiative aimed at increasing the transparency and quality of systematic reviews in the scientific literature. This registry aims to avoid duplication of efforts, minimize publication bias and increase the visibility and accessibility of ongoing or completed systematic reviews.

It is an online database maintained by the National Center for Reviews and Development (National Institute for Health Research - NIHR) in the United Kingdom.

Researchers and reviewers of systematic reviews can register their protocols in PROSPERO before starting review work. The record includes information about the purpose of the review, search methods, inclusion and exclusion criteria, planned analyses, and other relevant information. This lets other researchers know about ongoing work and prevents duplication.

The benefits of prospective international registration of systematic reviews include:
Transparency: Registration allows researchers to clearly reveal their intentions for conducting a systematic review and detail their methods before beginning the work.

Avoiding duplications: By checking registered protocols, researchers can identify similar systematic reviews in progress, avoiding unnecessary duplication of efforts.

Quality improvement: Registration encourages the standardization of systematic review methods and promotes adherence to recognized methodological guidelines.

Accessibility: Registered systematic reviews are publicly available, which increases the accessibility and visibility of these studies to other researchers and health professionals.

Combating publication bias: Prospective registration increases the likelihood that all systematic reviews, regardless of results, will be reported and published, reducing publication bias.


The requirement to register clinical trials with the Data Providers of the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) and the ReBEC (Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry) is a practice adopted to promote transparency and responsibility in the conduct and dissemination of clinical trials.

WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP):

The World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform is an initiative that aims to gather information on ongoing and completed clinical trials around the world. The platform includes several Data Providers, where those responsible for clinical trials must record detailed information about the study before participant recruitment begins.

The requirement to register clinical trials in the ICTRP is based on the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, which highlights the importance of public registration of all clinical trials as an ethical responsibility of researchers. Prior registration of clinical trials helps prevent omission of results, duplication of studies and minimization of publication bias, increasing transparency and accessibility of clinical research results.

ReBEC (Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry):

ReBEC is the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry, coordinated by the Brazilian Clinical Trials Information Network (REBEC). It is linked to the ICTRP and aims to register all clinical trials carried out in Brazil.

As with the ICTRP, the ReBEC registration requirement is part of efforts to promote integrity in clinical research and ensure that trials are properly documented and accessible to the public. Furthermore, registration with ReBEC helps facilitate the identification and monitoring of clinical trials carried out in Brazil, allowing researchers, health professionals and the general public to have access to relevant information about ongoing research and its results.

c) Declaration of conflict of interests

HRJ requires that all authors involved in article submission provide a formal declaration of conflicts of interest. The purpose of this statement is to guarantee the transparency and integrity of the editorial process, ensuring that any possible conflict of interest is properly reported.
A conflict of interest may arise when authors have financial, personal, professional or other interests that may influence the conduct, interpretation or dissemination of research results in a way that favors private interests to the detriment of scientific objectivity and impartiality.

I reiterate that I am committed to conducting this research in an objective and impartial manner, ensuring the integrity of the data and results presented. I am ready to provide additional clarification if necessary.

Author(s) signature(s):
[Author Name 1] [Date]

[Author Name 2] [Date]

[Author Name 3] [Date]

If there is no conflict of interest to declare, authors must explicitly state that "There are no conflicts of interest to declare."

Examples of conflicts of interest:
Financial interests: Ownership of shares in companies related to the study topic; research funding by companies that can benefit from the results of the study.

Personal relationships: Family or friendship ties with work-related people or organizations.

Involvement in consultancies or partnerships with companies or organizations with interests related to research.

Institutional affiliations that may lead to conflicts of interest, such as relationships of subordination or rivalry.
Declaration of conflicts of interest is an ethical obligation of the authors and helps to ensure confidence in the integrity and objectivity of the results presented. 

HRJ is committed to respecting the best editorial and scientific practices, and counts on the collaboration of authors to fulfill this essential requirement for the publication of quality and relevant works.

d) Instructions on depositing research data in open access open data repositories
Authorship and Attribution:

When depositing data into a repository, it is important that authors are clearly identified, including their names and affiliations.
Authors must provide information about each individual's contribution to data collection and analysis (Contributor Roles Taxonomy - CRediT)
If data was collected by multiple authors, it is recommended to establish an authorship order that reflects their contributions.

Licenses and Terms of Use:

Authors must select an appropriate license that defines the terms of use of data deposited in the repository. HRJ uses the  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Data Citation:

Authors must provide clear information about how the data should be cited by other researchers, through providing a digital object identifier (DOI) or a permanent URL for the data.

Metadata and Documentation:

Authors must provide detailed metadata that describes the data, its origin, collection methodology, and structure of the dataset.
Documentation is important to ensure proper understanding and correct use of data by other researchers.
Data Preservation:

The magazine has archiving options enabled (LOCKSS and CLOCKSS)
Referencing in Publication:

When publishing an article related to deposited data, authors must reference the corresponding dataset in the repository.
This allows other researchers to identify and access data associated with the article.

e) International guidelines and guides for presenting research results for each type of study, in accordance with the recommendation of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the EQUATOR network (Enhancing the Quality and Transparency Of Health Research)

Observational Studies:

For observational studies, EQUATOR recommends the use of the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) guidelines, which provide guidance for reporting results in cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies.
The STROBE guidelines address essential items to be reported in research articles, such as study objectives, methods, study population, variables analyzed, statistical analysis, and interpretation of results.

Clinical Trials:

For clinical trials, EQUATOR suggests using the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) guidelines, which establish a set of items for the presentation of randomized clinical trials.
The CONSORT guidelines address aspects such as study design, group allocation and masking, statistical analysis, participant flow, treatment adherence and analysis of results.

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses:

For systematic reviews and meta-analyses, EQUATOR recommends the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines.
The PRISMA guidelines provide guidance on the structure and content of systematic review reports, including information on search strategies, study selection, quality assessment of included studies, and analysis of results.

Qualitative Studies:

For qualitative studies, EQUATOR suggests using the COREQ (Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research) guidelines.
The COREQ guidelines address items relevant to the presentation of qualitative studies, such as description of participants, research context, data collection and analysis methods, and interpretation of results.

If you have questions about the submission process, please contact us: (16) 3509 7900





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