Clinical outcomes analysis of pediatric SARS due to Respiratory Syncytial Virus in a secondary hospital in the Federal District


  • Gabriela Ramos Lopes
  • Lucas Mendes Gomes
  • Bárbara Cunha Barreto
  • Maria Alice Ramalho Bragatto
  • Simone Ferreira da Silva Marques
  • Flávia Kanitz



Bronquiolite viral. Infecções por Vírus Respiratório Sincicial. Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave. Oxigenoterapia. Ventilação Mecânica


Objective: evaluate the clinical profile of pediatric patients with SARS due to RSV during the seasonal period in a secondary care service in the Federal District. Method: this is part of the study “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in pediatrics – relationship between the etiological agents and clinical outcomes in a secondary hospital in the Federal District, between December 2021 and June 2022”, in which were only considered patients with infection by RSV, including coinfection. This is a descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional and quantitative study, carried out by collecting data from pediatric patients hospitalized who met criteria for SARS. After collection, the data was analyzed and compared with literature data on the topic. Results: 113 patients were included, 97 of them with RSV infection and 16 with RSV co-infection. A higher incidence was observed in children under 1 year of age (65.48%, 74 cases) and between March and April 2022. Among those infected with RSV, all those under 3 months of age, those coinfected and those with comorbidities required oxygen support, with almost 33% needing NIV or MV. Among those with comorbidities, those premature were those who most frequently required NIV or MV. Conclusion: this study highlights the rate of pediatric patients with SARS caused by RSV who require respiratory support and intensive care offering support for the preparation of services and health teams to face future seasonality and reinforcing the imperativity of adopting prophylactic measures, such as the use of pavilizumab.


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How to Cite

Ramos Lopes, G., Lucas Mendes Gomes, Bárbara Cunha Barreto, Maria Alice Ramalho Bragatto, Simone Ferreira da Silva Marques, & Flávia Kanitz. (2024). Clinical outcomes analysis of pediatric SARS due to Respiratory Syncytial Virus in a secondary hospital in the Federal District. Health Residencies Journal, 5(24).