Full-house nephropathy unrelated to lupus: a case report


  • Louise Cristhine de Carvalho Santos Residente em Clínica Médica do Hospital Regional de Sobradinho, Distrito Federal, Brasil
  • Phelipe Pinheiro Alves Lucas
  • Dilson Palhares Ferreira




Keywords: full-house nephropathy, systemic lupus erythematosus, non-lupus-related nephropathy, nephrotic syndrome


Introduction: The systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic multisystemic autoimmune inflammatory disease. Some patients, however, may exhibit a histological pattern of renal injury, with characteristics indistinguishable from lupus nephritis, but without presenting any extra renal symptoms or suggestive SLE serology. Such involvement has recently been called full-house nephropathy unrelated to lupus Description: P.M.G., 19 years old, female, single. She presented endemogenic syndrome associated with hypertension with proteinuria in the nephrotic range and changes in renal function in laboratory tests. It was investigated for the possibility of SLE without filling clinical and laboratory criteria. During hospitalization, she was submitted to renal biopsy with a pattern compatible with full-house nephropathy. She was submitted to pulse therapy with Cyclophosphmide with total recovery of renal function and today she is monitored on the use of corticoid therapy. Conclusions: Full-house nephropathy not related to lupus is a new entity, not yet fully understood the mechanisms of action and therapeutic approach. It still needs further studies and may be the initial manifestation of SLE, isolated manifestation of SLE or a new disease not related to SLE.




How to Cite

de Carvalho Santos, L. C., Pinheiro Alves Lucas , P. ., & Palhares Ferreira, D. (2021). Full-house nephropathy unrelated to lupus: a case report. Health Residencies Journal, 2(11), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.51723/hrj.v2i11.174