Barriers, impasses and dilemmas in serving the trans woman in times of COVID-19: case report


  • Rayrane Clarah Chaveiro Moraes Universidade de São Paulo
  • João Vitor Andrade Especializando em Enfermagem em Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica / Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marli Novaes Silva Universidade de São Paulo
  • Jacqueline Victória Nunes Santoro
  • José Gilberto Prates



Coronavirus Infections, Transsexualism, Integrality in Health, Homeless Persons, Health Services


Objective: to report the care offered to a transsexual woman with suspected COVID-19. Method: the approach used to perform it was qualitative, through the description of a case study in which a transsexual woman, homeless, was seen in a psychiatric ward of a General Hospital for suspected COVID-19. Results and discussion: among these individuals is the transsexual population, which is the one that suffers the most prejudice and discrimination in the family and social spheres and, by extension, deals with difficulties in accessing basic services, such as health services. Conclusions: the results of this research show the need to assert the right of access to health services for the transsexual population. Provide comprehensive and quality care, since the construction and formation of a humanized and welcoming multiprofessional team becomes a sine qua non condition for health promotion and improvement of care.

Keywords: Coronavirus Infections; Transsexualism; Integrality in Health; Homeless Persons; Health Services



How to Cite

Chaveiro Moraes, R. C., Andrade, J. V., Silva, M. N., Nunes Santoro, J. V. ., & Prates, J. G. . (2021). Barriers, impasses and dilemmas in serving the trans woman in times of COVID-19: case report. Health Residencies Journal, 2(12), 33–47.