Use of active methodologies in Health Residence program in the context of COVID-19 pandemic


  • Jéssica Maria de Andrade Ventura Brasileira
  • Alcieros Martins da Paz
  • Mirela Dantas Ricarte



Keywords: Internship and Residency, Learning and Education., Internship and Residency, Learning and Education


Introduction: The teaching-learning process has undergone several changes over time. The study on Active Methodologies, considered tools used as an alternative proposal to the context that only transmits teaching and learning, has been carried out over the years and finds support in the idea of ​​contributing to the academic discussion of didactic resources used. In the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic together with online education, the use of these tools has become more intensified. Objective: This study aimed to characterize the perception of residents about the use of active methodologies used in a discipline of the Residency Program in Dentistry in Public Health of the Secretariat of Health of Recife - PE carried out in the online format. Method: Quantitative research was carried out using data of qualitative origin using the content analysis method using the Iramutec software. Conclusions: The residents perception of active methodologies highlighted the tool as being much more interesting than the traditional model, highlighting points such as autonomy in the participation of activities, the dialogical space, the benefits and challenges of working as a team, in addition to highlighting the need for prior preparation and training by both students and facilitators for the development of activities.

Keywords: Internship and Residency, Learning and Education




How to Cite

de Andrade Ventura, J. M. ., Martins da Paz, A. ., & Dantas Ricarte, M. . (2022). Use of active methodologies in Health Residence program in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. Health Residencies Journal, 3(15), 255–270.