Psychologist's performance in the hospital environment in times of pandemic: welcoming health professionals - Experience report


  • Aline Nunes Donato Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde - ESCS
  • Adriana Franco de Carvalho Curado Jaime



COVID-19, mental health, professionals, collaborators, pandemic.


 The COVID-19 pandemic was and still is a situation of alert and emergency decreed by the World Health Organization - WHO due to the new virus Sars-Cov-2 belonging to the group called Coronavirus. This pandemic affected several segments of society, and even on health, the impacts reached not only the physical health of the population but also psychological health, especially health professionals and collaborators. In this work, the experiences lived in the context of Residency in hospital psychology during the pandemic at the reference Hospital in the Federal District (DF) were addressed. The analyzes produced in this work evidenced the high impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its consequences on the psychological health of health professionals and collaborators. Finally, the experiences suggest a discussion that could have started a long time ago, a policy of attention to the psychological aspects of health professionals and collaborators aiming at the adoption of preventive measures and promotion of psychological health in these environments.

Key words: COVID-19, Mental Health, Professionals, Pandemic




How to Cite

Nunes Donato, A. ., & Franco de Carvalho Curado Jaime, A. . (2021). Psychologist’s performance in the hospital environment in times of pandemic: welcoming health professionals - Experience report. Health Residencies Journal, 2(12), 210–219.