Psychology’s Reflections about Breast Cancer: an information booklet


  • Alliny Michelly Vale
  • Laís Lopes Barcelos
  • Milena Lima Santos Escola de Ciências da Saúde
  • Renata Costa Fortes



Neoplasias da mama, Psico-oncologia, Educação em saúde


Introduction: Breast cancer is defined by the disordered and uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells in the breast tissue. Objective: To disseminate knowledge about the psychological impacts of breast cancer for the population through health education. Methods: An exploratory study was carried out, with data obtained from the main databases: the online platform of the Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA), the Ministério da Saúde, Oncoguia, the Plano Oncológico do Distrito Federal, articles and book chapters of Psycho-Oncology regarding the psychological distress of women diagnosed with breast cancer. The execution of the booklet was carried out by the graphic editor Canva. Results and Discussion: Production of an informative booklet containing the main findings in the literature: definition, epidemiological aspects, risk factors, prevention, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, patients' rights, oncology care network of the Federal District and Psychological considerations. Conclusions: Breast cancer is a life threatening disease. In this sense, psychological support is extremely important for the management at all stages of the illness,

Keywords: Breast Neoplasms, Health Education, Psycho-Oncology



How to Cite

Michelly Vale, A. ., Lopes Barcelos, L. ., Lima Santos, M., & Costa Fortes, R. . (2021). Psychology’s Reflections about Breast Cancer: an information booklet. Health Residencies Journal, 2(12), 96–111.