Evaluation of the effectiveness of a qualification course in a surgical center in a public hospital in the Federal District


  • Thaise dos Reis Cruz Oliveira
  • Renata Mendes Borges
  • Raniele Barros de Oliveira
  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE SAÚDE DO DISTRITO FEDERAL
  • Fernanda Pereira de Oliveira
  • Izabel Carvalho de Araujo
  • Jaqueline Dias Castelo Branco
  • Jardel Franco e Silva Anchieta
  • Leila Maria de Sousa
  • Taniela Marquez de Paula
  • Liliane Rodrigues Rios




Surgery Center, Continuing Education, Training of Human Resources in Health, Quality of Health Care


Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of theoretical training given to nursing professionals about essential content in the area of ​​Surgical Center and Material and Sterilization Center. Method: Descriptive study with a quantitative approach, carried out in a public hospital in the Federal District, developed in three stages of activities: application of a pre-test, training and application of a post-test. Results: Twenty-six professionals participated in the study, most of them female, with professional experience in nursing from 3 to 5 years and with 1 to 2 years of experience in the operating room. There was an increase in the mean scores of the assessment after training, in the post-test compared to the pre-test. Conclusion: The need for continuing education for health professionals in the operating room was identified, as it is an area that is increasingly renewed. The incentive to offer training to professionals would be of great value to the service and to the patient, ensuring quality and safe care.



How to Cite

dos Reis Cruz Oliveira, T. ., Mendes Borges, R. ., Barros de Oliveira, R. ., Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J., Pereira de Oliveira, F. ., Carvalho de Araujo, I. ., Dias Castelo Branco, J. ., Franco e Silva Anchieta, J. ., de Sousa, L. M. ., Marquez de Paula, T. ., & Rodrigues Rios, L. . (2022). Evaluation of the effectiveness of a qualification course in a surgical center in a public hospital in the Federal District. Health Residencies Journal, 3(14), 1191–1204. https://doi.org/10.51723/hrj.v3i14.311