Systematization of nursing care applied to patients with cleft lip and palate


  • Sara de França Mendes
  • Raniele Barros de Oliveira
  • Liliane Rodrigues Rios
  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE SAÚDE DO DISTRITO FEDERAL
  • Amanda Stefany Silva Ramos
  • Bruno Leonardo Soares Nery
  • Edna Gonçalves dos Santos
  • Fabio Tomaz Da Silva Leite
  • Hysnara Gomes Lima de Lucena
  • Frederico Bacelar Mourão
  • Jardel Franco e Silva Anchieta



Cleft lip, Cleft palate, Perioperative nursing, Patient Care Planning, Operating Room Nursing


Cross-sectional study in wich were studied the perioperative nursing care practies spectific aplly to patients with cleft lips and palate, realized on the reference hospital to diagnosis and treatment of this grievance of health on Federal District – Brazil. It was collected data referring to patients that were submitted to surgical procedures to correct this clefts on the period of june to octuber of 2017 and it was realized an artificial pairing to compair with patients operatted on the same period of the year before. The data were divided on the three phases that constitue the perioperative to identify the ideals strategies to realize the care systematization of this patients group. Therefore, it’s possibe to note that if apply the care based on the cientific evidences it was obtained as result a lower rate of complications, an optimization of the treatment and recovery of the patients and the improvement of the utilization from the material and human resources.



How to Cite

de França Mendes, S. ., Barros de Oliveira, R., Rodrigues Rios, L. ., Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J., Silva Ramos, A. S. ., Soares Nery, B. L. ., Gonçalves dos Santos, E. ., Tomaz Da Silva Leite, F. ., Gomes Lima de Lucena, H. ., Bacelar Mourão, F. ., & Franco e Silva Anchieta, J. . (2022). Systematization of nursing care applied to patients with cleft lip and palate. Health Residencies Journal, 3(14), 805–831.