Evaluation of the implementation of the perioperative checklist in a public hospital in the Federal District


  • Ana Cláudia Valentim Santana Pereira
  • Ruth Silva Matos
  • Marcelo Moreira Corgozinho
  • Gleyce Mikaelle Costa Quirino
  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE SAÚDE DO DISTRITO FEDERAL
  • Lauane Rocha Itacarambi
  • Cleber dos Santos Pinto
  • Erika Vanessa Silva Oliveira
  • Kerginaldo Severiano de Melo Junior
  • Osmar Pereira dos Santos
  • Fernanda Pereira de Oliveira
  • Jaqueline Dias Castelo Branco




Surgical Center, Perioperative check-list, Patient safety


Introduction: The World Health Organizationlaunched in 2009 the Safe SurgerySavesLivesProgram. Toachievethetenessentialobjectsproposedbythe World Health Organization, it isnecessaryto use the Safe Surgery Checklist. Objective: toassessthedegreeofimplementationoftheperioperative checklist instrument for safe surgery in a Public Hospital in the Federal District.Method: thisisanexploratorystudythatevaluatedtheimplementationofactivitiesrelatedtotheapplicationofthe checklist in theperioperativeperiod, basedon a qualitative approach.Results: 31 nursingprofessionalswhowork in theSurgical Center participated in thisstudy. Fromtheevaluationmatrix, the checklist itemswerescored in theSing In, Time Out andSing Out times and for eachcheck item a score of 10 points wasestablished, totaling 250 points (100%). The score obtainedafteranalyzingthequestionnaireswas 215 points (86%). Conclusion: the safe surgerysafety checklist performedatthe Hospital Materno-Infantil de Brasília isconsideredimplemented. The complete andcorrectfilling out ofthe checklist instrumentisthebestwaytoachieve real safety for thesurgicalpatient.



How to Cite

Valentim Santana Pereira, A. C. ., Silva Matos, R. ., Moreira Corgozinho, M. ., Costa Quirino, G. M. ., Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J., Rocha Itacarambi, L. ., dos Santos Pinto, C. ., Silva Oliveira, E. V. ., Severiano de Melo Junior, K. ., Pereira dos Santos, O., Pereira de Oliveira, F. ., & Dias Castelo Branco, J. . (2022). Evaluation of the implementation of the perioperative checklist in a public hospital in the Federal District. Health Residencies Journal, 3(14), 589–609. https://doi.org/10.51723/hrj.v3i14.357