Correlation between Surgical Risk Calculator and Safety Zone scores in the preoperative period of non-cardiac surgeries


  • Kelly Resende Alves
  • Ruth Silva Matos
  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE SAÚDE DO DISTRITO FEDERAL
  • Glayson Carlos Miranda Verner
  • Lauane Rocha Itacarambi
  • Lethícia Siqueira de Araújo
  • Gleyce Mikaelle Costa Quirino
  • Liliane Rodrigues Rios
  • Maria Luiza Garcia Oliveira
  • Sâmela Cristine Rodrigues de Souza
  • Vanda Maria Lopes de Souza Bandeira
  • Rodrigo de Carvalho Ribeiro



risk factors, perioperative period, venous thromboembolism


Context: VTE is a common complication in hospitalized patients. Thus, thromboembolic risk stratification is essential to minimize complications and optimize the patient's preoperative condition before elective surgeries. Objective: To investigate the correlation between the ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator score and the TEV Safety Zone in the preoperative outpatient evaluation of thromboembolic risk in non-cardiac surgeries. Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional observational study with electronic records analysis of patients attending a multidisciplinary outpatient clinic of medicine and perioperative nursing in the period from January to December 2017. The TEV Safety Zone thromboembolic risk score, already applied in the clinic with the risk of venous thromboembolism obtained by the ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator, was correlated. Results:A sample of 416 medical records was collected. Of these, 197 (47.6%) resulted in an equivalent risk between the two scores and 219 diverged in the results. A p<0,001 was obtained by the Wilcoxon test.Conclusions: There was a correlation between the ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator and the TEV Safety Zone (p <0.001).



How to Cite

Resende Alves, K. ., Silva Matos, R. ., Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J., Miranda Verner, G. C. ., Rocha Itacarambi, L. ., Siqueira de Araújo, L. ., Costa Quirino, G. M. ., Rodrigues Rios, L. ., Garcia Oliveira, M. L. ., Rodrigues de Souza, S. C. ., Lopes de Souza Bandeira, V. M. ., & de Carvalho Ribeiro, R. . (2022). Correlation between Surgical Risk Calculator and Safety Zone scores in the preoperative period of non-cardiac surgeries. Health Residencies Journal, 3(14), 558–572.