Individual French opinion questionnaire on the use of safe surgery checklist


  • Dayra Sousa Aires Ribeiro
  • Ruth Silva Matos
  • Gleyce Mikaelle Costa Quirino
  • Lauane Rocha Itacarambi
  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE SAÚDE DO DISTRITO FEDERAL
  • Edna Gonçalves dos Santos
  • Cleber dos Santos Pinto
  • Ebert Mendonça
  • Gilberto Sabino da Silva
  • Heglisson Gustavo da Silva Queiroz
  • Sônia Maria Alves Gomes
  • Aline Carvalho Boaventura



Checklist, Health professionals, Patient safety, Patient Care Packages


Objective: This study aimed to describe the cross-cultural adaptation process of the Individual Opinion Questionnaire on the use of the Checklist (QIOSC) of safe surgery for the Brazilian context. Methodology: Five steps were followed, according to guidelines for validation studies in the health area, and two more steps to assess reliability: test and retest. The test and retest involved the participation of 35 surgical center professionals, both from the nursing and medical staff. Internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Results: The two translated versions (T1 and T2) of the QIOSC corresponded only with regard to the Likert response options, thus being translated. The 36 items, although translated with equivalent meaning, presented atleastone grammatical or semantic distinction between T1 and T2. Conclusion: The present study contributed to providing an understand able and viable instrument for self-application to a large number of users to assess the opinion of the use of the checklist in Brazil.
Keywords: Checklist; Health professionals; Patient safety; Patient Care Packages



How to Cite

Sousa Aires Ribeiro, D. ., Silva Matos, R. ., Costa Quirino, G. M. ., Rocha Itacarambi, L. ., Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J., Gonçalves dos Santos, E. ., dos Santos Pinto, C. ., Mendonça, E. ., Sabino da Silva, G. ., da Silva Queiroz, H. G. ., Alves Gomes, S. M., & Carvalho Boaventura, A. . (2022). Individual French opinion questionnaire on the use of safe surgery checklist. Health Residencies Journal, 3(14), 532–557.