Assessment of surgical instrumental integrity and functionality: What does CME nurses need to know?


  • Emilly Firmino de Moura
  • Ruth Silva Matos
  • Lauane Rocha Itacarambi
  • Gleyce Mikaelle Costa Quirino
  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE SAÚDE DO DISTRITO FEDERAL
  • Ebert Mendonça
  • Edna Gonçalves dos Santos
  • Fabio Tomaz da Silva Leite
  • Heglisson Gustavo da Silva Queiroz
  • Izabel Carvalho de Araujo
  • Kathiane Magalhães Mendes
  • Francisca de Paula Carvalho Demes



Surgical Center, Patient safety, Nursing care, Patient Care Planning


Introduction: Nursing care is a complex process that requires demanding technical training and professional experience. Thus, it is necessary to prepare educational material to standardize, promote health education and train nursing professionals for the full development of care. Objective: To provoke reflection and sensitize nursing professionals through the preparation of educational material to standardize the handling and processing of surgical instruments. Method: Bibliographic analysis, integrative, qualitative, exploratory and observational review type. Results: With the implementation of the Checklist in CC routines, studies showed that the number of deaths in surgery dropped from 1.5% to 0.8% and post-surgery complications dropped from 11% to 7%. There was also a drop in infection rates and unplanned return to the operating room. Conclusion: The execution of the sterilization and/or disinfection process of hospital articles depends on a set of measures such as adequate physical structure, trained staff, material resources and proper equipment for the operation in all stages of the process.



How to Cite

Firmino de Moura, E. ., Silva Matos, R. ., Rocha Itacarambi, L. ., Costa Quirino, G. M. ., Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J., Mendonça, E. ., Gonçalves dos Santos, E. ., Tomaz da Silva Leite, F. ., da Silva Queiroz, H. G. ., Carvalho de Araujo, I. ., Magalhães Mendes, K. ., & de Paula Carvalho Demes, F. . (2022). Assessment of surgical instrumental integrity and functionality: What does CME nurses need to know?. Health Residencies Journal, 3(14), 496–510.