Standard operating procedure specific to comprehensive care of patients with Covid 19


  • Rosana do Nascimento Rodrigues
  • Ruth Silva Matos
  • Kathiane Magalhães Mendes
  • Liliane Travassos Cavalcanti de Souza
  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE SAÚDE DO DISTRITO FEDERAL
  • Gleyce Mikaelle Costa Quirino
  • Lauane Rocha Itacarambi
  • Carlos Sakr Khouri
  • Caroline Almeida Felix
  • Iracema Virginia Noleto
  • Lucivane Julia de Queiroz
  • Rodrigo Ferreira Silva



Surgical Center, Perioperative Assistance


Introduction: The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) isoneoftheadministrativeinstrumentsessentialtotheactivitiesofthenursingteamthatworks in thecareoftheSurgical Center (SC). The nurse's management ofthesurgicalteam must becoordinatedwiththestructure, processes relatedtointerventionsandactivitiesduringtheimmediateperioperativeperiod. Objectives:Toimplementhealthtechnology in theroutineofthesurgicalnursingteam, through a standard operating procedure specifictothecomprehensivecareofpatientswith COVID-19. Methodology:Thisis a qualitativestudy. The techniquechosentobeused in thisstudy for theanalysisof SOP itemsbytheevaluatorswillbethroughthePasqualimethod. Results: The calculationoftheentireinstrumentwasperformedfromthe sum ofallitemscalculatedseparatelytoobtaintheaverageofthepercentageachieved. Contentvalidationachieved a maximum score of 4 (applicable) bythesevenjudges in therespectiveitems: objectivity, relevanceandprecision, withanaverageof 28 in eachcriterion. Conclusion: The presentstudybecomesrelevantduetotheneedtoelaborateandvalidate a complete SOP both for theexecutionofactivitiesandtoestablish a quality standard in thetechnicalexecution.



How to Cite

do Nascimento Rodrigues, R. ., Silva Matos, R. ., Magalhães Mendes, K. ., Travassos Cavalcanti de Souza, L. ., Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J., Costa Quirino, G. M. ., Rocha Itacarambi, L. ., Sakr Khouri, C. ., Almeida Felix, C. ., Virginia Noleto, I. ., Julia de Queiroz, L. ., & Ferreira Silva, R. . (2022). Standard operating procedure specific to comprehensive care of patients with Covid 19. Health Residencies Journal, 3(14), 477–495.