Comparison of the effectiveness of alcohol and quaternary ammonia with and use of horizontal surface disinfection technique


  • Clarissa Oliveira da Rocha
  • Mariana da Silva Mendes
  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE SAÚDE DO DISTRITO FEDERAL
  • Raquel Barcellos Marques Schiffer
  • Roselaine Prota Baudson da Silva
  • Mikaelle Roane Modesto Tok
  • Erlley Moreira Crisostomo
  • Matheus Carolino de Carvalho
  • Marcely Feitosa do Carmo
  • Oriana Kátia Fracalossi
  • Katerine Costa Bambeko Rodrigues
  • Christe Hellen Siqueira Gusmão
  • Luciana Teixeira Nicácio Leite Pery dos Santos
  • Letícia Santos Ribeiro Villela Silva Derré Torres
  • Janaína Ferreira Passos
  • Ruanna Lopes Ferreira
  • Tâmela Beatriz Matinada da Silva
  • Cristiane Alves Chaveiro
  • Ester Castro de Lima Torres
  • Iara Gevila Lima da Silva
  • Renata Mendes Borges
  • Anna Karoline Carvalho Sousa



nursing, disinfection, hospital cleaning service, sanitizing


Objective: The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of 70% alcohol and quaternary ammonia, with and without the use of the horizontal surface disinfection technique established in nursing practice. Method: This study presented an analytical design of experimental intervention. The field of study was the testing room of a laboratory accredited by the REBLAS/ANVISA Network. Results: The substances used as disinfectants in this work were effective in reducing the growth of the microorganisms studied, however, the fifth generation ammonia quaternary had very significant results and far beyond what was expected. Conclusion: It is possible to conclude that the fifth-generation ammonia quaternary is much higher than 70% alcohol, with no need, during its use, to apply the horizontal surface disinfection technique established in Nursing, constituting a break in paradigm given the effectiveness of this product.



How to Cite

Oliveira da Rocha, C. ., da Silva Mendes, M. ., Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J., Barcellos Marques Schiffer, R. ., Prota Baudson da Silva, R. ., Roane Modesto Tok, M., Moreira Crisostomo, E. ., de Carvalho, M. C., Feitosa do Carmo, M. ., Fracalossi, O. K. ., Costa Bambeko Rodrigues, K. ., Siqueira Gusmão, C. H. ., Teixeira Nicácio Leite Pery dos Santos, L., Santos Ribeiro Villela Silva Derré Torres, L. ., Ferreira Passos, J. ., Lopes Ferreira, R. ., Matinada da Silva, T. B., Alves Chaveiro, C. ., Castro de Lima Torres, E. ., Gevila Lima da Silva, I. ., Mendes Borges, R. ., & Carvalho Sousa, A. K. . (2022). Comparison of the effectiveness of alcohol and quaternary ammonia with and use of horizontal surface disinfection technique. Health Residencies Journal, 3(14), 20–54.