Surgical Materials Management System - SIGMAC: an improvement proposal for the control in network at SES/DF


  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE SAÚDE DO DISTRITO FEDERAL
  • Angel Daniel Alfonso Perez
  • Marlos Pires Ribeiro
  • Lemenssom Alves Siqueira
  • Aline dos Reis Silva
  • Bárbara Natália Ferreira Vilas Boas
  • Bruna Isabela da Silva Bueno
  • Débora Paiva Pinheiro
  • Hosani Aleixo Machado
  • Jayne Machado Pacheco Arruda
  • Jenifer Aline Silva de Oliveira
  • Karoline Martins Pinheiro da Silva
  • Letícia da Costa Gentil Rios
  • Lorena da Conceição Pereira
  • Loyse Gabrielly Marinho Moraes
  • Marcely Feitosa do Carmo
  • Rayra dos Santos Oliveira Mesquita
  • Tawanna Ferreira Pilar de Sousa
  • Vanielle Félix Pereira Perim
  • Verônica Santos de Melo
  • Valine Angelica Borges Batista
  • Edna Gonçalves dos Santos
  • Lidiane Ribeiro Alves de Souza
  • Cosme da Rocha
  • Caroline Neiva Mendes



classification and identification of materials, automated data processing health management, supply and distribution


Objective: to create a Computerized System for Management of Surgical Materials - SIGMAC -, carrying out the registration and inventory of surgical and medical instruments in all hospitals in the SES/DF Network. Method: the study was carried out through a technological, observational, quantitative-descriptive, exploratory, field and transversal research. The creation of the computerized system and data collection lasted a total of eleven months, taking place between July 2020 and February 2021. Results: SIGMAC was created, as well as passwords to access it for researchers. All surgical and medical instruments of all the SES/DF network hospitals were registered in the computerized system, with the consequent inventory of all these materials. Conclusion: It was evident that the work carried out was a great advance and a very important tool in aiding health management and planning at all administrative levels.



How to Cite

Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J., Alfonso Perez, A. D. ., Pires Ribeiro, M. ., Alves Siqueira, L., dos Reis Silva, A. ., Ferreira Vilas Boas, B. N., da Silva Bueno, B. I. ., Paiva Pinheiro, D., Aleixo Machado, H. ., Machado Pacheco Arruda, J. ., Silva de Oliveira, J. A. ., Martins Pinheiro da Silva, K. ., da Costa Gentil Rios, L. ., da Conceição Pereira, L. ., Marinho Moraes, L. G. ., Feitosa do Carmo, M. ., dos Santos Oliveira Mesquita, R. ., Ferreira Pilar de Sousa, T. ., Félix Pereira Perim, V. ., Santos de Melo, V. ., Borges Batista, V. A. ., Gonçalves dos Santos, E. ., Ribeiro Alves de Souza, L. ., da Rocha, C. ., & Neiva Mendes, C. . (2022). Surgical Materials Management System - SIGMAC: an improvement proposal for the control in network at SES/DF. Health Residencies Journal, 3(14), 1151–1169.