Competences, Skills and Attitudes in Perioperative Nursing: building and implementing excellence for the SUS


  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE SAÚDE DO DISTRITO FEDERAL



Nursing, Perioperative, Surgery Center, post-anesthetic recovery room, material and sterilization center


The construction of the Nursing Uniprofessional Residency Program in the Surgical Center at ESCS/FEPECS/SES/DF was an arduous path, full of obstinacy and passion for teaching, love and deep respect for patients. It certainly wasn't an easy walk, however, not giving up on what we believe was vital to get us this far. Thus, we understand that a know-how (skills), know-how (skills) and a know-how (attitudes) requires from professionals in the field a constant proactive posture, in the search for a level of excellence, in the face of numerous technologies available, as well as scientific evidence in all fields of knowledge, both equipment, furniture, supplies and many other resources already available, together with the difficulties that bring growth, and where knowledge is developed from experience and its dialogue with theory. Therefore, this special issue of the Health Residencies Journal is dedicated to Nursing in the Surgical Center, Post-Anesthetic Recovery and Material and Sterilization Center, the result of reflection in the area of ​​perioperative nursing, where the processes involving health care in its integrality, systematized in a network, based on the principles and guidelines of the SUS, as well as on the principles of patient safety, promoting qualified assistance in surgical services in the Federal District. And, finally, citing a great and exemplary health figure: “The most dangerous thing that can happen to an individual, a society or an institution that is part of it is victory. To accept it as final is to condemn yourself to losing it. Even in adversity, construction is possible. Ideal, belief and strength are enough to overcome injustice and mediocrity. When you fight for an ideal on a day-to-day basis, you can turn utopia into reality.” Aloysio Campos da Paz Junior Founder of the Sarah Network of Rehabilitation Hospitals



How to Cite

Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J. (2022). Competences, Skills and Attitudes in Perioperative Nursing: building and implementing excellence for the SUS. Health Residencies Journal, 3(14), 1.