The influence of electronic games on the health of adolescent users of a mental health clinic


  • Mayhara D'arc Souza de Carvalho
  • Gabriela Lopes da Silva Lustosa
  • Daniel Guilherme Rodrigues Gama



Adolescence; Electronic Games; Video game; Health


Objective: To verify the influence of electronic games on the biopsychosocial health of adolescents, according to the view of guardians and adolescents. Method: Descriptive study with a quantitative-qualitative approach, carried out through an interview. Results: The results show that adolescents understand the influence of games with a positive and negative view, whereas those responsible perceive mostly negative scores. Conclusion: Finally, it is understood that games can cause benefits and harm, requiring greater knowledge of those responsible to guide the proper management of this tool by adolescents.



How to Cite

D’arc Souza de Carvalho, M., Lopes da Silva Lustosa, G. . ., & Rodrigues Gama, D. G. . . (2022). The influence of electronic games on the health of adolescent users of a mental health clinic. Health Residencies Journal - HRJ, 3(15), 167–201.