Garengeot hérnia: case report


  • Ermerson Machado Timm ESCS



Femoral hernia, Cecal appendix


The present case aims to report a type of hernia uncommon within all hernias, femoral hernia with the presence of the appendix in its content, diagnosis and treatment performed at the Sobradinho Regional Hospital in 2019. Information obtained through medical record review, anamnesis, intraoperative photographs, literary review. The hernia consists of protrusion of an intra-abdominal content by an anatomically constituted space. Among all hernias we have the rare Garengeot hernia, which is the presence of the Cecal appendix as part of the hernial content of the femoral hernia, corresponding to about 0.9%, associated with acute appendicitis about 0.1%. Diagnosis may be incidental during surgical approach of femoral hernia or mainly by imaging, as the clinical diagnosis is very difficult. Treatment for Garengeot's hernia is not standardized, a decision made by the surgeon intraoperatively, some choosing to retain the Cecal appendix if possible except in the case of association with acute appendicitis, others opting for resection even without acute appendicitis. associated.



How to Cite

Machado Timm, E. (2020). Garengeot hérnia: case report. Health Residencies Journal, 1(4), 17–21.