Bullous Erysipelas: A Case Report


  • Maria Eduarda Justino Ferreira
  • Renan Joseph de Moraes Custódio




Erysipelas, Skin Manifestations, Bacterial Infections, Case Reports


Introduction: erysipelas is an acute bacterial infection of the dermis considered to be common. However, it can manifest in rarer forms, associated with complications, such as bullous erysipelas. Objective: to report the clinical presentation, management and evolution of a patient diagnosed with bullous erysipelas. Method: descriptive and observational study, a case report regarding a patient diagnosed with bullous erysipelas, hospitalized in a public hospital in Brasília, Federal District. Case Report: 46-year-old patient, obese, with history of chronic venous disease, presenting extensive involvement of the right lower limb by bullous erysipelas. Antibiotic therapy was used in association with topical treatment with silver foam dressings and silver sulfadiazine. Discussion: the patient in this case had several of the risk factors and presented possible entry portals for the infection, as well as most of the characteristic manifestations of the disease. Despite the gap in the literature related to the topical treatment, it was possible to observe a good evolution of the patient condition with the treatment strategy used. Conclusion: future researches could try to summarize the evidence related to erysipelas and its complications or apply the same treatment strategy in a larger number of patients to confirm its effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Justino Ferreira, M. E., & de Moraes Custódio, R. J. . (2023). Bullous Erysipelas: A Case Report. Health Residencies Journal, 4(19). https://doi.org/10.51723/hrj.v4i19.508