Intraoperative findings of appendectomies at a teaching hospital in the Federal District: A 2-year study


  • Lucas Roos Vale
  • Maria das Graças Andrade Gomes



Appendicitis. Laparotomy. Peritonitis, Appendicitis, Laparotomy, Peritonitis


Objective: estimate the prevalence of initial and advanced appendicitis in appendectomies performed at a teaching hospital in the Federal District and compare it with other studies. Method: descriptive, comparative, retrospective, and prospective study analyzing medical records of appendectomy surgeries performed at the Hospital Regional de Ceilândia (HRC) in 2020 and 2021. For the study, intraoperative findings of the appendix were classified into phases: Phase 0: normal; Phase 1: distension and hyperemia; Phase 2: fibrin; Phase 3: necrosis; Phase 4: perforation; with initial appendicitis consisting of findings from Phase 1 and 2, and advanced appendicitis consisting of findings from Phase 3 and 4. Results: a total of 528 appendectomies (100%) were performed, of which 19 (3.6%) were in Phase 0; 168 (31.82%) in Phase 1; 112 (21.21%) in Phase 2; 99 (18.75%) in Phase 3; and 130 (24.62%) in Phase 4. Conclusion: at the Hospital Regional de Ceilândia,
280 (53.03%) appendectomies had findings of initial appendicitis, and 229 (43.37%)


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How to Cite

Vale, L. R., & Gomes, M. das G. A. . (2025). Intraoperative findings of appendectomies at a teaching hospital in the Federal District: A 2-year study. Health Residencies Journal - HRJ, 6(28).