Family members’ perception about feeding on patients in palliative care


  • Jamily Sousa Rocha
  • Sílvia Maria Gonçalves Coutinho



Palliative Care, Nutrition Therapy, Caregivers, Family


Objective: to describe the perception of family members about the feeding of patients in palliative care. Method: this is a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study, based on semi-structured interviews with family members of patients hospitalized in a reference unit in palliative care, with further analysis based on Bardin’s Content Analysis Theory. Results: twenty family members of patients with advanced-stage cancer and dementia participated in the study. In the statements, five main categories were identified: dietary changes, expectations about feeding, feelings associated with food, meanings attributed to feeding, and understanding of nutritional management. Conclusion: it was observed that the participants
associated changes in the patient’s diet with the progression of the disease, which caused concern and distress. At the same time, some family members showed limited understanding and fluctuating expectations regarding nutritional support. It is necessary to improve communication between patient, family, and team and strengthen psychological assistance to family members, aiming to alleviate the suffering resulting from food distress, illness, finitude, and grief.


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How to Cite

Sousa Rocha, J., & Maria Gonçalves Coutinho, S. (2025). Family members’ perception about feeding on patients in palliative care. Health Residencies Journal - HRJ, 6(28).