
  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal




systematization, manual, catálogo, health


Technical communication is a discipline that emerged through the development of technology and the need to disseminate its terminology, resources and application possibilities. Technology is more than the development of products, equipment and systems, it also involves processes to make their correct use accessible. It is up to technical communicators to facilitate the transfer of information, developing skills and knowledge to introduce users to a certain available technology. In the development of technical communication, information is the most valuable component. However, communicating and informing are different and complementary tasks in exposing technical content. While the task of communicating is more related to transmitting a message with the aim of making it common and understandable by a considerable number of people, the act of informing is more aimed at instructing, educating, and enabling training. The transmission of information is, without a doubt, a form of communication, but it implies the transfer of important data to the agents of communication. To work with the information, the technical professional initially needs to access reliable and legal data sources that can originate it. For these data to have value, they need to be organized, transformed and presented in a way that offers meaning or some guidance to their interpreters. This transformation of data into useful information presupposes hard intellectual work, research on scientific evidence and legislation, in order to produce effectively reliable content. The catalogs, procedure manuals, technical notebooks, among others, constitute manifestations of technical communication. Procedure manuals are tutorials that guide conduct and teach how to develop specific activities and procedures, such as proper use of products, equipment installation, organization policy, systems administration and troubleshooting. The technical notebooks work as guides with information on contracting products and services and offer guidelines for health planning. The technical catalog deals more specifically with technological information, designed to disseminate and improve products, methods and production processes. It is information that enables technical training, which allows the transformation of technology into consumer goods and services, facilitating the technological development of societies. This special issue of the Health Residencies Journal is dedicated to the presentation of catalogues, manuals and technical notebooks prepared by the Residents of the Uniprofessional Nursing Residency Program in a Network Surgical Center of the ESCS/FEPECS/SES/DF together with their staff. After all, the Program on screen, the largest in its category within the SES/DF, has the mission of building, together with the SES, new paths for the SUS, with technique, science, production, collaboration and humility, repaying SES for the opportunities for in-service training through these legacies.  



How to Cite

Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J. (2022). EDITORIAL. Health Residencies Journal, 3(17). https://doi.org/10.51723/hrj.v3i17.548