Global Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Era on cornea transplantation on SES -DF


  • Gleidiane Alves Sousa
  • Tanniela Marquez de Paula



Covid-19; Cornea Transplant, SES –DF.


Objective: To assess, through the historical analysis of the numbers of corneal transplants in the scope of the Secretary of Health of the Federal District - SES DF, the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the numbers of transplants. Methods: This is a retroactive, quantitative, descriptive and epidemiological study of documentary data from the SES-DF situation room on the number of corneal transplant surgeries performed between 2016 and 2021 Results: There is a significant drop in year 2020, beginning of the pandemic, the average being 45% lower than the previous year. However, the year 2021 shows signs of recovery with a 40% increase in annual surgery numbers compared to the beginning of the pandemic. Conclusion: This research demonstrates that there was a significant drop in the annual numbers of corneal transplant surgeries within the Health Department of the Federal District during the years 2020-2021, years that comprise the current pandemic by the Coronavirus (SARS- CoV-2). We can therefore say that although the decrees to suspend elective surgeries carried out by the SES-DF, with the objective of concentrating efforts on urgent and emergency care did not address transplants, they indirectly suffered the impact that a pandemic causes on the Health System.

Keywords: Covid-19; Cornea Transplant, SES –DF.




How to Cite

Alves Sousa, G., & Marquez de Paula , T. (2023). Global Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Era on cornea transplantation on SES -DF . Health Residencies Journal, 4(18).