Avaliação do risco cardiovascular e da severidade da doença renal em pacientes em hemodiálise


  • Paloma Lopes ESCS




Renal dialysis, Cardiovascular diseases, Renal insufficiency, Risk Measurement, Complications, Chronic Dissesse


Objective: to analyze the cardiovascular risk (VR) and severity of renal disease in patients on hemodialysis (HD). Method: investigative, cross-sectional and quantitative study with a sample of 54 patients in HD. Framingham Risk Score (ERF) was used to calculate the VRR and the Kidney Disease Severity Index (KDSI). Results: The data pointed to medium and high RCV (61.10%) according to the ERF.The most prevalent risk factors for the ERF were hypertension, sedentarism and high sodium consumption.According to the ISDR,81.48% of patients with high and medium risk of CRD severity were identified. The most evident variables in ISDR were visual impairment and access to dialysis.There was a statistical association between the ERF and high sodium consumption and between the ERF and ISDR.Conclusion: The medium and high cardiovascular risk and medium and high risk of renal disease severity were prevalent in the renal patients in HD of the study.Multidisciplinary care should be prioritized through the survey of strategies to minimize risks and promote treatment compliance in order to improve survival and quality of life of this population.




How to Cite

Lopes, P. (2020). Avaliação do risco cardiovascular e da severidade da doença renal em pacientes em hemodiálise. Health Residencies Journal, 1(4), 22–40. https://doi.org/10.51723/hrj.v1i4.62