

  • Bárbara Decarli Rocha
  • Caroline Jonas Rezaghi Ricomini Nunes






Introduction: Playing in early childhood is extremely important, being a tool that encourages autonomy and independence, helps in the development and creation of bonds. Aiming at this, this study aimed to strengthen parenting and promote health through play in Primary Health Care.

Method: In the present study, a focus group was carried out using the problematization methodology as an approach, through the application of the Arch of Maguerez in five stages in Primary Health Care.

Result and Discussion: The result of the application to the reality of the arch of maguerez, which was the implementation of a health promotion group through play, intended for babies and caregivers in a Basic Health Unit in the Federal District, was described in this report by experience, and the planning of the proposed actions at each meeting is detailed.

Conclusion: The study achieved the objectives proposed by the methodology and the application to reality brought successful experiences. In addition, it was possible to conclude that the topic addressed is of great relevance for health promotion.



How to Cite

Decarli Rocha, B., & Jonas Rezaghi Ricomini Nunes , C. . (2023). Português. Health Residencies Journal, 4(18). https://doi.org/10.51723/hrj.v3i18.689