Intervention in primary health care, to guarantee rights, created from the use of the Arch of Maguerez


  • Eder Santos Sousa
  • Caroline Jonas Rezaghi Ricomini Nunes



Primary Health Care, Health promotion, Family and Community Health, Guarantee of rights, Arch of Maguerez


Objective: to describe the experience of a resident psychologist in creating an intervention for application in primary health care, using as a basis the methodology of problematization with the Maguerez arch, a mandatory requirement for professional training in the multiprofessional residency in family and community health. In addition to being the final work of the residency program (TCP). Methodology: the stages of the Maguerez arc, observation of reality, key points, theorization, hypothesis of solution and application in reality were performed. The study and intervention sites were three basic health units in the Fercal Administrative Region, Federal District, from June to August 2022. Results and discussion: the experiences in the scenario with the community and health professionals showed a limitation knowledge of laws with great social importance in terms of guaranteeing rights. An informative material in digital format and in a pamphlet was created with the aim of encouraging reading and reflection in the territory on rights, duties, guarantees, protections and penalties, focusing on the laws: Maria da Penha, Statute of the Child and Adolescent, Elderly Statute. Conclusion: the method allowed to broaden the view on the community context and to develop an action that can help to change the reality, but it should not be limited to that, the method showed many social limitations that only an integrated work between society and public power has the potential to solve such problems.



How to Cite

Santos Sousa, E., & Jonas Rezaghi Ricomini Nunes, C. . (2023). Intervention in primary health care, to guarantee rights, created from the use of the Arch of Maguerez. Health Residencies Journal, 4(18).