Avaliação da insatisfação da imagem corporal de profissionais de programas de residências multiprofissionais de Brasília-DF


  • Helicínia Giordana Espíndola Peixoto




Body Shape Questionaire (BSQ), Body dissatisfaction, Covid-19, Multiprofessional residency, eating behavior


The body image concept extends beyond the physical characteristics. Thus, body dissatisfaction is present in both genders and commonly begins in the early stages of life, being a risk factor for the development of eating disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia. This study evaluated the level of body dissatisfaction among health professionals in multiprofessional residency programs in the Federal District, Brazil. The sample were professionals in multidisciplinar health residency programs (from 2020 to 2022) from Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ESCS) – Health and Science College (ESCS) and FioCruz, in Brasília, DF, Brazil, considering the scenario of the Covid-19 pandemic. Data were collected through an electronic form, as well as the application of the Body Shape Questionaire (BSQ). The results show that the majority (87.3%) of the participants were female and 12.7% were male and that 63.5% of the participants demonstrated some level of body dissatisfaction. Furthermore, 84.6% of the high body dissatisfaction was attributed to the female gender. Changes in eating habits during the pandemic were mainly increased food consumption and orders for fast food, in addition to guilt when eating.


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How to Cite

da Silva, R. C., & Espíndola Peixoto, H. G. . (2023). Avaliação da insatisfação da imagem corporal de profissionais de programas de residências multiprofissionais de Brasília-DF. Health Residencies Journal - HRJ, 4(20). https://doi.org/10.51723/hrj.v4i20.776