Knowledgde and practices of primary health care professionals about pelvic floor dysfunctions


  • Marisa de Fatima Ferreira
  • Alexandre Vaz Machado
  • Dayane Santos Borges



Physical Therapy Modalities, Pelvic Floor, Primary Health Care, Pelvic Floor Disorders


Objective: To understand the level of knowledge and practices used by Primary Health Care (PHC) professionals from the Health Department of the Federal District (SES-DF) on Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions (PAD).Methods: A descriptive field study with a quantitative approach carried out in three Basic Health Units (UBS) in the North Region of SES-DF. For data analysis, all information extracted from the questionnaires was analyzed, organized, coded and categorized by the authors. Survey Monkey software was used for data collection, based on descriptive statistics, using absolute frequency, mean and percentage.Results:19 professionals participated in the study, 57.9% of whom have been working in the region for more than 10 years. It was identified that 68.4% of professionals understand functionality and DAP and 47.4% know the structures by which it is formed. However, only 36.8% carry out promotion and prevention of PAD, investigating during reception. Conclusion: The professionals participating in this study were educated regarding the general context of PAD and regarding the guidelines for preventing these disorders, however, this knowledge does not reflect in clinical practice, as there is little investigation during routine consultations about what may be related to strong care pressure and pathological severities crossed by the territory. Therefore, the importance of permanent health education to fill these gaps, changes in professionals' practices and transformation of work processes is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Ferreira , M. de F., Vaz Machado , A. ., & Santos Borges , D. . (2023). Knowledgde and practices of primary health care professionals about pelvic floor dysfunctions . Health Residencies Journal, 4(21).