Preparation of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) in multiprofessional training in Family Health in Primary Health Care


  • Luís Rafaeli Coutinho
  • Carolina Pereira Lobato
  • Vanessa Dalva Guimarães Campos



Competency-Based Education, Residency, Primary Health Care


Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) is a recent concept that helps operationalize competence-based in the education of workers. EPAs translate competence into practice and provide a potential framework for assessing clinical competence. In this article, the authors describe the development of EPAs for a Multiprofessional Residency program in Family Health. The objective was to propose autonomous professional activities for the evaluation of residents of the professional categories analyzed in the formation of Multiprofessional Residency Programs in Family Health based on the common competencies expected for such professional categories. 33 EPAs were prepared with themes for learning during the residency. For each EPA, a checklist was prepared in order to guide the evaluation and the resident himself regarding the execution of the defined tasks. EPAs must be appropriate in scope, have socially responsible wording, and be relevant to
all health care specialties that are part of the multidisciplinary residency program. EPAs are useful tools for practical assessment in a health training and learning environment. We believe that multidisciplinary EPAs can contribute to the creation of more flexible curricula and, consequently, to a more coherent and collaborative health education in Primary Health Care.


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How to Cite

Coutinho, L. R., Pereira Lobato, C., & Dalva Guimarães Campos, V. (2024). Preparation of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) in multiprofessional training in Family Health in Primary Health Care. Health Residencies Journal, 5(24).