The quality of life of the multiprofessional family and community health resident


  • Gabriel Baliza do Carmo Silva
  • Michelle Andreza Falcão Rodrigues
  • Alexandre Vaz Machado



Quality of Life, Non Medical Residencies, Health Postgraduate Programs, National Health Strategies


INTRODUCTION: The multidisciplinary residency in health is a lato sensu post graduate course for health professionals, except doctors, aiming to qualify for work in the Unified Health System. Among them, the one focused on Family and Community Health, created as a result from the expansion of this strategy in the country. Given the extensive work load and the nature of the activities, studies report stress and damage to th equality of life in multidisciplinary residents. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the quality of life of multidisciplinary residents in family and community health at a public high and reducation institution in the Federal District. METHODS: This is a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study. A form containing sociodemographic questions and the WHOQOL-bref, a test used to assess quality of life, were used, both applied online. RESULTS: 43 residents participated in the study, 55.8% from the first year and 44.2% from the second year. The average quality of life score in the Social Relations Domain was 64.9; Physical 56.4; Psychological 53.8; and Environment 53.8. The lowest rates in these last three domain shighlight the difficulties encountered during residency, such as excessive demands, increased responsibilities and reduced time for leisure and sleep. CONCLUSION: There is a need for investment in health promotion activities and the creation of plans to streng then interpersonal relationships during this specialization process, as well as the need to promote regional and national discussions about the 60-hour weekly workload.


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How to Cite

Baliza do Carmo Silva, G., Andreza Falcão Rodrigues, M., & Vaz Machado, A. (2023). The quality of life of the multiprofessional family and community health resident. Health Residencies Journal, 4(21).