Continuing education in wound care for nursing teams in Basic Health Units of the Federal District


  • Ana Júlia Fernandes Antunes
  • Camila Soraya Cassiano Alves Mascarenhas
  • Silene Ribeiro Miranda Barbosa
  • Stephanie Guedes Alencar
  • Tatiany Cristine Silva



Continuing Education, Nursing, Wounds and Injuries


Wounds are one of the issues in public health, with significan timplications IF proper treatment is not provided. Therefore, the importance of the topic for the organization of services and the on going education of professionals is crucial.This study aimed to carry out Continuing Health Education (CHE) on wounds and dressings for the Nursing team of a Primary Care Service Management (PCSM) in the Federal District (DF). This was na interventional, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, conducted through na initial questionnaire containing questions about wounds and dressings to assess the specific knowledge level in the area. After the analysis of the questionnaires, na update was prepared focusing on the content in which professionals faced the most difficulties. Upon concluding the CHE, a questionnaire was provided to identify the knowledge gain. The results of the CHE were considered positive because there was na increase in knowledge among the professionals. This improvement led to better patient care, wound healing progression through the correct choice of dressings for each case, and the proper technique for dressing changes. The information generated here Will support managers and nurses in understanding the importance of promoting on going education for the nursing team.

Wounds are one of the issues in public health, with significan timplications IF proper treatment is not provided. Therefore, the importance of the topic for the organization of services and the on going education of professionals is crucial.This study aimed to carry out Continuing Health Education (CHE) on wounds and dressings for the Nursing team of a Primary Care Service Management (PCSM) in the Federal District (DF). This was na interventional, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, conducted through na initial questionnaire containing questions about wounds and dressings to assess the specific knowledge level in the area. After the analysis of the questionnaires, na update was prepared focusing on the content in which professionals faced the most difficulties. Upon concluding the CHE, a questionnaire was provided to identify the knowledge gain. The results of the CHE were considered positive because there was na increase in knowledge among the professionals. This improvement led to better patient care, wound healing progression through the correct choice of dressings for each case, and the proper technique for dressing changes. The information generated here Will support managers and nurses in understanding the importance of promoting on going education for the nursing team.


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How to Cite

Fernandes Antunes, A. J. ., Cassiano Alves Mascarenhas, C. S. ., Ribeiro Miranda Barbosa, S. ., Alencar, S. G., & Silva, T. C. (2023). Continuing education in wound care for nursing teams in Basic Health Units of the Federal District. Health Residencies Journal, 4(21).