Aquatic physiotherapy: improving quality of life and balance for the prevention of falls in the elderly - literature review
Hidroterapia; Idoso; Equilíbrio Postural; Qualidade de VidaAbstract
Objective: to identify, through a literature review, the benefits that aquatic physiotherapy promotes in the elderly population in relation to quality of life and balance to prevent falls. Method: a literature review was carried out using the electronic databases National Center for Biotechnology Information (PubMed) and Virtual Health Library (VHL). Scientific articles published in the last 10 years were included in the research, which used aquatic physiotherapy as a balance intervention in the elderly. 16 articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected. Results: aquatic interventions compared to land-based therapies both improve balance and thus reduce the risk of falls, with the prevalence of aquatic therapies. Conclusion: aquatic physiotherapy is beneficial, safe and viable for improving balance in the elderly, contributing to the prevention of falls, and also beneficial for the quality of life in the elderly.
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