Health programming process with focus on material acquisition requests


  • Letícia Santos Ribeiro Villela Silva Derré Torrres
  • Verônica Santos de Melo
  • Jacqueline Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE SAÚDE DO DISTRITO FEDERAL
  • Gleyce Mikaelle Costa Quirino
  • Ruth Silva Matos
  • Rodineide Serafim Gregis
  • Marcelo Moreira Corgozinho
  • Bruno Leonardo Soares Nery
  • Amanda Stefany Silva Ramos
  • Fernanda Pereira De Oliveira
  • Fabio Tomaz Da Silva Leite
  • Jardel Franco e Silva Anchieta



Health Management, Programming, Bidding, Organization and Administration


Objective: To identify the Material Acquisition Order (PAM) profile of the Health Inputs Programming Management (GEPRO) and the Laboratory Medicines and Inputs Programming Management (GEPROLAB) of the Health Department of the Federal District (SES- DF). Method: Descriptive, retrospective study, where data was searched for Material Acquisition Orders in the period from April to May 2018, in the Management of Supply Programming for Health at SES-DF. Results: 733 PAMs were performed by SES/DF, 516 (70.94%) were produced by GEPRO and GEPROLAB, but only 92 PAMs were successfully completed by GEPRO and, in relation to GEPROLAB, 180 PAMs. Discussion: The high workload can generate dissatisfaction, exhaustion and a drop in the quality of services provided, so the sectors of GEPRO and GEPROLAB responsible for the largest production of PAMS in SES/DF deserve special attention, in order to promote efficiency of work processes. It is not enough to act in accordance with the law, it is necessary to obtain good results with optimal use of the available purse. Conclusion: GEPRO and GEPROLAB are responsible for (70.94%) of the production of PAMS at SES/DF, which reinforces the importance of the commitment of the server and economic efficiency in line with the provision of services provided.



How to Cite

Santos Ribeiro Villela Silva Derré Torrres, L. ., Santos de Melo, V. ., Ramos de Andrade Antunes Gomes, J., Costa Quirino, G. M. ., Silva Matos, R. ., Serafim Gregis, R. ., Moreira Corgozinho, M. ., Soares Nery, B. L. ., Silva Ramos, A. S. ., Pereira De Oliveira, F. ., Tomaz Da Silva Leite, F. ., & Franco e Silva Anchieta, J. . (2022). Health programming process with focus on material acquisition requests. Health Residencies Journal, 3(14), 444–458.