

  • Camila Emerenciano Berrondo Menezes de Andrade ESCS/FEPECS
  • português Português ESCS/FEPECS




Cuidados Paliativos, Profissionais de Saúde, Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, SUS


At first, considering the possibility of joint action of Palliative Care in an Intensive Care Unit seems fanciful and idealized. However, there are several possibilities and advantages of working together between these two teams, in a scenario where there must be a balance between indication for curative and palliative measures. The main objective of this study was to verify the perception of health professionals about the performance of the interconsultant team. As a methodology, the method of cross-sectional, descriptive, qualitative research was used, with the application of individual semi-structured interviews and data analysis through content analysis. In all, 11 health professionals participated in the survey. When carrying out the analysis of the interviews, six main categories were evidenced, ranging from the individuals' understanding of the concept of palliative care to the professionals' perception of the role of the interconsultant team. It was possible to observe that the participants classify the role of this team as important, even pointing out a good level of knowledge about palliative care that was provided, among other things, by the dissemination of information offered by these professionals who make up the team. It was concluded that, in general, the interventions and guidelines offered by the team are built together with the other professionals in the unit, and tend to be followed by them.



How to Cite

Emerenciano Berrondo Menezes de Andrade, C., & Português, S. . (2022). Português. Health Residencies Journal, 3(16), 138–162. https://doi.org/10.51723/hrj.v3i16.572