Nutritional risk and clinical outcomes in adult patients with Covid-19 hospitalized in a public hospital in DF


  • Rhaylane Gomes Rodrigues
  • Brena Diniz de Carvalho
  • Maria Samara Teles de Sousa
  • Thaianne Marques da Costa e Silva
  • Bruna de Abreu Flores Toscano
  • Vanessa Teles Felinto Mello



COVID-19, Nutritional status, Comorbidities, Hospitalization time


Objective: to know the nutritional profile and clinical outcomes of adults hospitalized with covid-19 in the year 2021 in a public hospital in the Federal District (DF). Materials and methods: observational, retrospective and analytical study. Data were collected through the electronic medical records of adult patients who are admitted to the emergency room of a public hospital that is a reference for the care of patients with covid-19 in the Federal District. Results: 710 adults of both sexes participated in the survey, it was found that adults with covid-19 at nutritional risk need mechanical ventilation more 87.38% (p<0.05) and died more (86.96%) (p<0.05). In addition to requiring more intensive care unit treatment (87.50%) (p<0.005). Conclusion: the present study demonstrated that patients with covid-19 who were at nutritional risk had more interventions and evolved to death. Evidencing the importance of early screening for the presence of nutritional risk in hospitalized patients with covid-19, for interventions to reduce possible unfavorable outcomes.


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How to Cite

Gomes Rodrigues, R., Diniz de Carvalho, B. ., Teles de Sousa, M. S., Marques da Costa e Silva, T., de Abreu Flores Toscano, B. ., & Teles Felinto Mello, V. . (2025). Nutritional risk and clinical outcomes in adult patients with Covid-19 hospitalized in a public hospital in DF. Health Residencies Journal - HRJ, 6(28).